Mini vs Micro

Att de största mobiltelefontillverkarna kommit överens om en gemensam standard för laddare är nog en av de få nyheterna som alla människor i hela världen kan vara fullständigt överens om är en God Sak, men en del har ifrågasatt varför man inte valde det vanligare Mini-USB-formatet över det marginellt mindre Micro-USB.

En kommentar på Engadet informerar dock att

Mini-USB is a depreciated standard. This doesn’t stop anyone using it in its current implimentation, of course, but it means there will be no Mini-USB plug for USB 3.0. So manufacturers are going to have to switch over in the future anyway. If they made Mini-USB the official standard, then in 2012 you’d either be stuck with USB 2.0 speeds on your industry-mandated Mini-USB port, or you’d have an industry-mandated Mini-USB port for power and a seperate Micro-USB port for USB 3.0 data. Neither of those is particularly desirable as far as phone manufacturers are concerned, and I doubt it would be a popular decision with consumers.
(Nothing’s to stop phone manufacturers putting out a Mini-USB connector that also supports USB 3.0, but they’d be forbidden from using any of the USB-IF logos.)

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