Let me be the first to say, that I am a crap photographer. I lack the necessary esthetic sensibilities. In fact, often I don’t even like the act of photographing, it’s just to much work.

But I just love a good camera. It’s the ultimate venue for my technical fetish.

Now, my camera is pretty OK. It’s a 20D, fully pimped with every conceivable addition, and a few quite nice L lenses (of course, I can always use a few more…). But I just can’t help myself when I, as this weekend, spend time with a friend who recently acquired a 1DmII. Holding it is simply sublime, the heft is pornography in your hands. The shutter sound is so unbelievably satisfying, so mechanical and physical, that everything else just feels like a toy.

Now where did I put those SEK 40K necessary to buy a Mark III? Dammit, the dreams of a prylbög will never be fully satisfied…